Dani Ruiz Gabarre

Research Fellow

  • Centre for Regenerative Medicine (IRR North)
  • Institute for Regeneration and Repair
  • UK Dementia Research Institute

Contact details



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  • Usually available Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM


Dani (He/him) graduated from his Pharmacy BSc and MSc in July 2017, after an Erasmus+ internship at University College London with Prof. Oscar Della Pasqua.

He then pursued a Neuroscience MSc and subsequent Neuroscience PhD at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid in Madrid, Spain, where he obtained his PhD summa cum laude in February 2023. 

A firm believer on our need to acknowledge and avoid bias in science, Dani is part of PRISMA, a Spanish organisation that promotes visibility of LGBTQIA+ people in STEM and fights against discrimination and bias against them.


Research summary

Dani is mostly interested in dementia as a heterogeneous entity, specially focusing on the molecular level; although he is more broadly interested in all-things-neuroscience, neuroendocrinology, biological sex research and linguistics.

During his PhD, he researched into molecular mechanisms of tau protein in the context of Alzheimer's disease, with a special interest in new tau isoforms generated by alternative splicing. 

Now, he is focused on Small Vessel Disease (SVD) as one of the main causes of vascular dementia and a contributor to other types of dementia. 


Current research interests

Dani works at Anna Williams' lab researching the role of ATP11B in Small Vessel Disease, by using the Atp11b KO rat model.