[Migrated] Student Counselling

Online Courses and Workbooks

Watch online courses, download interactive workbooks, or take control by using recommended apps.

There are a number of websites where you can take courses at your own pace, by working through online slides or downloading a workbook.


SAM: self help for anxiety management: A free app developed specifically for students, to help manage anxiety.               

SAM App website

MindShift - coping with anxiety: Designed for teens and young adults. A free app that supports you to take charge of your anxiety through a highly individualised, personal plan.

MindShift App website

Sanvello: Anxiety, stress and depression relief: A free app that helps to break negative thought, feeling and behaviour cycles. Day-by-day, learn to manage your feelings at your own pace.

Sanvello website

Panic Attacks

Uncommon Knowledge provide a seven part course on why panic attacks happen, and how to cope.

Panic Attacks Course


We have produced a booklet on dealing with stress, including a section for a personal action plan

Overall Mental Wellbeing

Living life to the Full: Free online courses covering low mood and stress and all of the common linked problems this causes.

CBT - Living Life to the Full

Moodscope: A web-based program encouraging you daily to reflect on, assess, track your moods and share your scores with a trusted friend.

Moodscope website

Self help workbooks: modules you can complete online or save to your computer to work through in your own time.

Self help workbooks