[migrated] Communications and Marketing

Video guides and resources

Advice and resources for producing and publishing professional video content.

Video production

The Video Production team are part of the Content team and produce professional quality video content. We can offer advice as well as recording and editing support for video projects.

To discuss your requirements, contact the Video Production team.

Content team

Video branding

To help maintain a consistently branded video, all videos produced for the University should carry two things: 

  1. an opening or closing ident
  2. a watermark embedded throughout the video

The Video Production team has produced a watermark guide and a set of corporate idents that can be used to identify the University as the owner of a piece of video content.

Download corporate video resources (requires EASE authentication)

Video publishing

We manage the University's corporate video channels, these aim to showcase content that is of interest to the wider community and serves as a taster of the University.

For support and advice on how to get your video content online, see our video publishing guide.

Video publishing guide (requires EASE authentication)

Related links

Content team

Digital Marketing

Equipment loans

University YouTube channel

JISC Web2Rights copyright information