Using PeerMark
Further advice about the peer marking tool available through Turnitin
About PeerMark
PeerMark is a peer review tool which is available through Turnitin. Please note that PeerMark is currently not available through the PebblePad integration.
The PeerMark assignment sits within a Turnitin assignment. To use PeerMark, staff must:
- set up a Turnitin assignment in Learn (in which PeerMark has been enabled) into which students will submit their work for review
- set up one or more PeerMark assignments (within the Turnitin assignment), which students will use to review one another's work
Guides on how to create and use PeerMark assignments are in the Help & Support page:
Instructors can create and manage PeerMark assignments that allow students to read, review and evaluate one or more papers submitted by their coursemates.
Some of the key features of PeerMark include:
- students can be paired with single or multiple reviewers, either automatically (randomly), manually by the instructor, or self-selected by the student
- non-submitting students can be included or excluded from reviewing papers
- students can write reviews by responding to free response or scale questions set by the instructor
- instructors can add libraries of questions for easy reuse which can be edited, deleted or reordered
It is recommended that you do NOT create an anonymous (Turnitin) inbox:
- this helps you deal with any unexpected issues that may arise
- this prevents issues when using a screen reader
- you can still hide the identity of the author of a submission from the reviewer(s) whilst they are reviewing it
It is recommended that you set 'Students can review from' 24 hours (possibly longer) after the submission deadline:
- this is in order that late submissions will still be included in the review process
- the academic can decide separately how to deal with late submissions
- you will need to think ahead about how you accommodate those students with an extension as PeerMark does not allow for this (see 'How do I plan the sequence of activities for peer review (in PeerMark)?' below)
There is no syncing of grades between PeerMark and the Gradebook:
- the overall ‘grade’ in PeerMark will need to be copied and pasted into the Gradebook by the instructor
It is recommended that you set ‘Peer feedback available from’ after the time set for ‘Student Can Review From’:
- this helps you deal with any unexpected issues that may arise
- once passed, the date for ‘Peer feedback available from’ cannot be changed
PeerMark assumes all students will be involved but there are ways to include/exclude individuals or groups of students:
- you can filter using pre-existing Learn Groups within the Turnitin assignment, but this may not be reliable and not be synced with Learn
- you can use adaptive release (in Learn) to make the Turnitin assignment visible only to those students taking part in the PeerMark activity (but you will also need to exclude those students not taking part, within the inbox)
- you can allocate reviewers manually within the distribution tab to include/exclude individual students
When a student completes the questions/criteria they can 'Save as a draft' and then 'Submit', but they can no longer re-submit.
Planning for students to submit work, review one another's work, and share feedback, takes planning and coordination. This is particularly important if you need to anticipate students submitting work for review after the deadline (say, if they have been given an extension).
Having a timeline should help you to plan ahead to decide the dates when each part of the process should start and end. We would also recommend sharing the timeline you create with all the staff involved and your students so that they can see what is expected of them and when.
Case studies
You may be interested in details of case studies using PeerMark:
Support materials
The following resources are available to help with using PeerMark:
About PeerMark (external website)
Alternatives for peer review
If PeerMark does not meet your needs for peer review you may wish to consider using Learn Self and Peer Assessment or PebblePad.
Help & support
Our Help & support pages include guides for staff and students on how to use PeerMark: