Health & Safety Department


Guidance and advice on health and safety issues for University staff and students.

Policy and codes of practice

Below are links to guidance on general hazards, including hazardous substances, associated with working in the University. You should also consult the University Health and Safety Policy, Framework:Arrangements Section 26 Chemical safety and the accompanying Codes of Practice which also have useful information.

Specific guidance on biological, radiation and fire safety can be found on their respective website.

Information on occupational health and health and wellbeing can be found at:

Guidance and advice on business travel can be found at:

Workplaces / General

Image of a workstation with PC set up
Guidance information and publications produced by the Health and Safety Department which are relevant to general health and safety and occupational hygiene issues.

Work environment

Scene from University of Edinburgh Business School
Guidance on your work environment, including how to get advice and assistance with noise, temperature, lighting and ventilation issues.

Hazardous Substances

Image of a bottle with a hazardous substance
Guidance information and publications produced by the Health and Safety Department which are relevant to hazardous substances used within the University.


Image of a person working at a fume hood.
Codes of Practice and guidance documents produced by the Health and Safety Department which are relevant to work within Laboratories (mainly Chemical) or Workshops within the University.

Personal Protective Equipment

Image of gloves and goggles
Guidance information and publications produced by the Health and Safety Department which are relevant to the selection and use of personal protective equipment.

Electrical hazards

Image of yellow triangel adn black zigzag denoting electrical hazard
Guidance information produced by the Health and Safety Department which are relevant to electrical hazards.

Workshops / Maintenance / Contractors

Image showing contractors in basketball court
Guidance information and publications produced by the Health and Safety Department which are relevant to work in maintenance or construction.

Students / Young Persons

Image of school child receiving a science lesson
Guidance information and publications produced by the Health and Safety Department which are relevant to students and young persons on University Premises.

Transport / Travel / Fieldwork

Image of an aeroplane
Guidance information and publications produced by the Health and Safety Department which are relevant to transport in and outwith University Premises as well as travelling on University Business including fieldwork.


Illuminate jigsaw
The audit programme is intended to examine the systems that are in place to effectively manage health and safety in University work areas.

Communicable (Infectious) Diseases

Image of a person working at a fume hood.
Information on communicable diseases and what procedures to follow if there is an outbreak at the University