School of Economics

Head of School announcement

Leonardo Felli has accepted the position of Head of School of Economics

Last night news finally broke regarding the much anticipated appointment of the new Head of School of Economics. Interim Head of School, Tim Worrall, is pleased to announce that Professor Leonardo Felli has accepted the position and will be joining us next April, from the LSE.

Leonardo is currently Professor of Economics and Head of the Department of Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He graduated with a PhD in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1990 and joined the LSE in 1992. He is chair of the editorial board of Economica and a research fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research, London and the Center for Economic Studies, Munich. His research interests are in Law and Economics; Incomplete Contracts;  Learning and Matching; and Firm-specific Human Capital.

Further information about Leonardo's research and teaching interests can be found on his webpage at:


On his appointment, Leonardo had this to say:

"I am very much looking forward to joining the University of Edinburgh and taking over as Head of the School of Economics. It is my firm belief that the School of Economics is a very important component of the University with outstanding members both at the academic professional and student level and contributes to the intellectual excellence and global reach of the University. It is also my belief that the School has the potential to grow in both its research and teaching achievements over the next couple of years. It is therefore my plan to work together with all of you to further advance our School in a time of major challenges and opportunities within the higher education sector."