Biological Sciences

School Success in Student Experience Grants

The School of Biological Sciences received two Student Experience Grants in the autumn 2018 round of applications.

Student Experience Grants are one-off contributions of up to £5,000 to support innovative projects that enhance students’ social, academic, intellectual, entrepreneurial, sporting or cultural development.

Students from the School of Biological Sciences were successful in receiving funding for two projects, designed to improve wellbeing and develop science communication skills.


WellComm: improving outreach at King's Buildings Supporting a peer support scheme that has an ultimate goal of improving mental health and wellbeing at the King’s Buildings campus.     £915

ScienceSLAM is a student-led science presentation competition for undergraduate students. After training workshops in semester two, forming a community between different schools, students will present a 10-minute presentation as part of a competition.    



Alumni-funded grants have supported projects at the University for many years. Student Experience Grants replaced Innovation Initiative Grants (IIG) in summer 2018.

The next application round for Student Experience Grants opens on 14 February 2019 and closes at 12 noon on 28 March 2019. 

Related Links

Autumn 2018 Awards  

Student Experience Grants  

WellComm at Kings