You can establish links with alumni all over the world and network online by joining us on Platform One, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and YouTube.
Platform One
You can find friendly people on Platform One, ready and willing to help you, to answer your questions and share their experiences with you.
Our alumni Facebook page has more than 7,500 participants and is an informal way to keep in touch with the University and share news, photos and videos.
Join us on Twitter for news, event details, and information on alumni benefits and services.
Follow us on Instagram and see the faces of University of Edinburgh people - a mix of current alumni, historical figures, staff, students and friends.
Our alumni group has more than 19,000 members and enables you to connect with fellow alumni, join discussions and keep up to date with industry trends and employment opportunities.
YouTube (alumni)
Our alumni-related videos include interviews with students who have benefited from alumni support.
YouTube (main)
The University's main YouTube channel includes lectures by world-leading thinkers and coverage of news and events.
Please note
The University of Edinburgh is not responsible for content posted by third parties on any of the above sites.