Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society


Visualizing Bodies: a programme of events and online activities

designed image with the words visualising bodies over graphics of bodies

We are delighted to be running a seies of events in November 2020 as part of the Being Human Festival. Being Human is the UK’s national festival of the humanities, led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London in partnership with the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the British Academy.

Look through our zine created by Fionnuala Doran to explore more about visualising bodies and our events.



Costumed Visions

image of superman coming out of an egg
12 November 2020, 7pm

Bodies of the Future

image showing a collage about future bodies
17 November 2020, 7pm

We began as part of the body

image of cells glowing in a lab
Exhibition 12-30 November and live discussion on  19 November 2020, 4pm

Capturing Chronic Illness

20 November 2020, 5pm