Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine

Machine learning and mobile technology in acute care

His interests focus on health informatics, clinical trials, and global surgery. He leads the Surgical Informatics group and co-leads the Surgical and Perioperative Health Research Group, performing informatics-orientated research focused on improving patient outcomes after surgery. A current collaboration with industry is joint-funded by the MRC and Kidney research UK is investigating strategies to reduce organ injury in transplantation. He has completed an MSc in Statistics. His work is currently funded by the Wellcome Trust, MRC and Academy of Medical Sciences.

The lecture will be chaired by Dr MichaelĀ Gillies

Nov 30 2018 -

Machine learning and mobile technology in acute care

Ewen Harrison, Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant Surgeon, University of Edinburgh

Lecture Theatre B
Chancellors Building
Little France
EH16 4SB