
Approach to reporting

The University communicates progress against its social and civic responsibility commitments through this report every year.

Strategy 2030 Social Responsibility and Sustainability page

A range of sustainability, social and civic responsibility issues are included in this annual report.

Sustainability, Civic and Social Responsibility Committee

The University’s Sustainability, Civic and Social Responsibility Committee provides a focal point for strategic advice to the Principal, Court and University Executive on all matters related to Social, Civic Responsibility and Sustainability. It oversees the delivery of the Social and Civic Responsibility Plan and key developments in this area as agreed with the University Executive.

The committee provides a forum for the generation of ideas and innovation in responding to relevant drivers and supports the integration of sustainability, and social and civic responsibility across the whole University. It meets three times per academic year, meeting in October 2021, March 2022, and June 2022.

Professor Sandy Tudhope, University Lead on Climate Responsibility and Sustainability (until 31 December 2022), was the Convenor of the Sustainability, Civic and Social Responsibility Committee for the academic year 2021-22. Professor Lesley McAra, Assistant Principal Community Relations was the Vice Convenor during this period. Students are represented on this committee by the Edinburgh University Students’ Association through the Vice President Community.

Issues discussed

In the academic year 2021-22, the Sustainability, Civic and Social Responsibility Committee discussed the following issues.

  • Social impact and the living wage 

  • City of Edinburgh Council’s Climate Strategy consultation 

  • Supporting Sustainable Development Goals through open education 

  • Sustainable Travel Policy 

  • Carbon Sequestration Programme 

  • Climate and Sustainability Survey 

  • United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) 

  • Estate decarbonisation 

  • Young Person’s Guarantee 

  • Modern Slavery Statement  

  • Impact Rankings. 

Other working groups

The governance structure around sustainability, and social and civic responsibility also includes other working groups covering the following areas.

  • Climate and Sustainability in the Curriculum  

  • Community Plan Board   

  • Good Food  

  • Modern Slavery  

  • Sustainable Strategy Advisory Group Sustainable Laboratories  

  • Utilities.  

The University has an active partnership working group with the Edinburgh University Students’ Association. 


Times Higher Education Impact Rankings

The University reports into the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, a league table of 1,406 universities assessed against the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Edinburgh was ranked among the top two per cent, ranking 29th with an overall score of 93.9 out of 100. 

University ranks sixth in UK for positive impact