Lifelong Learning (formerly Short Courses)

Festival of Creative Learning - COL winners!

The Centre for Open Learning has received two awards for events offered to staff, students and members of the public, as part of the 2017 Festival of Creative Learning.

‘Meet, Eat, Drink, Think’ was an evening themed dining event, offered in collaboration with the Edinburgh Food Studio. Diners were treated to a tasting menu which was inspired by presentations from COL tutors throughout the evening. The event explored the influence of European Culture on Scottish Cuisine and offered an opportunity for reflection and discussion on the topics presented.

‘Meet, Eat, Drink, Think’ won the top ‘Creative Learning Award’ at the Event on Wednesday 15th March. A special mention of thanks goes to the tutors involved, Dr. Pasquale Iannone; Teaching Fellow in Film Studies, Lucinda Byatt; Historian and Italian-English Translator, John Gordon; Short Course Tutor in Philosophy and Classics and Carina Dahlstrom-Mair; Swedish Language Tutor.

Thanks also to The Edinburgh Food Studio and its creators, Ben Reade and Sashana Souza Zanella, who made the event possible with their fabulous space and innovative perspective on food!

‘A Scroll Down Memory Lane’, led by Art and Design Tutor Gregor McAlpine, won the ‘Most Creative’ award. The one-day collaborative event invited participants to explore, share and connect memories triggered by objects of personal significance to create a giant visually engaging scroll timeline using simple printmaking techniques and historical documentation.

Tutor Gregor McAlpine said, “It's great to be recognised by the University and have the opportunity to highlight the courses which we provide as COL. The opportunity to explore collaborative practice within COL was very rewarding too”. Thanks also goes to Philosophy and Classics tutor John Gordon for his hard work, "Pocket Talks" and involvement throughout the day with the students.

Watch this space for more collaborative and innovative events in future!