Advice and resources on critical thinking. Critical thinkingAdvice and resources to help you develop your critical voice.Developing critical thinking skills is essential to your success at University and beyond. We all need to be critical thinkers to help us navigate our way through an information-rich world. Why is critical thinking important?It affects your academic success: if you want to achieve higher grades, being able to take an informed and analytical approach to your studies is very important. Simply memorising and explaining concepts and ideas will not be sufficient for a strong pass at postgraduate level: you will need to be able to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of your subject to articulate your own views or conclusions, supported by appropriate evidence.It affects your employability: one of the main reasons students undertake postgraduate study is to improve their employment prospects. Many aspects of work (including strategic planning, trouble shooting, problem solving and critical evaluation of projects and processes) require higher-level thinking and reasoning skills, and prospective employers will want to see evidence of these skills.Whatever your discipline, you will engage with a wide variety of sources of information and evidence. You will develop the skills to make judgements about this evidence to form your own views and to present your views clearly.One of the most common types of feedback received by students is that their work is ‘too descriptive’. This usually means that they have just stated what others have said and have not reflected critically on the material. They have not evaluated the evidence and constructed an argument.The basicsWhat is critical thinking?Critical thinking is the art of making clear, reasoned judgements based on interpreting, understanding, applying and synthesising evidence gathered from observation, reading and experimentation.Burns, T., & Sinfield, S. (2016) Essential Study Skills: The Complete Guide to Success at University (4th ed.) London: SAGE, p94.Being critical does not just mean finding fault. It means assessing evidence from a variety of sources and making reasoned conclusions. As a result of your analysis you may decide that a particular piece of evidence is not robust, or that you disagree with the conclusion, but you should be able to state why you have come to this view and incorporate this into a bigger picture of the literature.Being critical goes beyond describing what you have heard in lectures or what you have read. It involves synthesising, analysing and evaluating what you have learned to develop your own argument or position.Critical thinking is important in all subjects and disciplines – in science and engineering, as well as the arts and humanities. The types of evidence used to develop arguments may be very different but the processes and techniques are similar. Critical thinking is required for both undergraduate and postgraduate levels of study.What, where, when, who, why, how?Purposeful reading can help with critical thinking because it encourages you to read actively rather than passively. When you read, ask yourself questions about what you are reading and make notes to record your views. Ask questions like:What is the main point of this paper/ article/ paragraph/ report/ blog?Who wrote it?Why was it written?When was it written?Has the context changed since it was written?Is the evidence presented robust?How did the authors come to their conclusions?Do you agree with the conclusions?What does this add to our knowledge?Why is it useful?Our web page covering ‘Reading at university’ includes a handout to help you develop your own critical reading form and a suggested reading notes record sheet. These resources will help you record your thoughts after you read, which will help you to construct your argument. Reading at university - find out moreDeveloping an argumentBeing a university student is about learning how to think, not what to think. Critical thinking shapes your own values and attitudes through a process of deliberating, debating and persuasion. Through developing your critical thinking you can move on from simply disagreeing to constructively assessing alternatives by building on doubts.There are several key stages involved in developing your ideas and constructing an argument. You might like to use a form to help you think about the features of critical thinking and to break down the stages of developing your argument. Document Features of critical thinking (300.49 KB / PDF) Document Features of critical thinking (128.99 KB / RTF) Our webpage on Academic writing includes a useful handout ‘Building an argument as you go’.Academic writingYou should also consider the language you will use to introduce a range of viewpoints and to evaluate the various sources of evidence. This will help your reader to follow your argument. To get you started, the University of Manchester's Academic Phrasebank has a useful section on Being Critical. Academic PhrasebankGo furtherDeveloping your critical thinkingSet yourself some tasks to help develop your critical thinking skills. Discuss material presented in lectures or from resource lists with your peers. Set up a critical reading group or use an online discussion forum. Think about a point you would like to make during discussions in tutorials and be prepared to back up your argument with evidence.For more suggestions: Document Developing your critical thinking - ideas (413.85 KB / PDF) Document Developing your critical thinking - ideas (133.51 KB / RTF) Published guidesFor further advice and more detailed resources please see the CriticalThinking section of IAD's list of published Study skills guides.Study skills guides This article was published on 2024-11-12