Scholarships and Student Funding

Tom and Maureen Fairlie Scholarship

One scholarship will be awarded to an applicant accepted onto a PGDE programme who intends to make contributions to the effective teaching of Scottish secondary school curriculum in mathematics or science-based subjects


The scholarship awards £1,500, which is paid at the start of the academic session towards maintenance costs and is tenable for the duration of the postgraduate programme of study, subject to satisfactory academic progress.


The scholarships will be awarded to PGDE students within Moray House School of Education and Sport who intend to teach, or develop his/her teaching of, mathematics or science-based subjects, including Design and Technology, in secondary schools, or wishes to undertake research that contributes to the development or the effective teaching of the Scottish secondary school curriculum in the areas of mathematics or science-based subject.


The scholarship is awarded broadly on the basis of academic merit with candidates also requiring to demonstrate a genuine interest and commitment to either teaching of, or development of, mathematics and science in Scottish secondary schools.

The selection panel will also take into account the financial circumstances of applicants to ensure that as far as possible a student's financial situation does not impede a university education.


Eligible applicants should complete an online scholarship application.

The scholarship deadline is 11:59pm BST 22nd May 2024.

In order to gain access to the scholarship application system, applicants must have applied for admission to the University of Edinburgh.  Please note that, following the submission of an application for admission, it can take up to five working days for all system checks to be completed and for access to be granted.

The online scholarship application form is located in EUCLID and can be accessed via MyEd our web based information portal at

When logging in to MyEd, you will need your University User Name and password.  If you require assistance, please go to If you have not applied for admission, please go ahead and do this and you will receive your University User Name and password.

Frequently Asked Questions


Programme directors will convene a selection committee to select the scholarship holder in June. All applicants will be notified of the outcome by the end of August 2024.

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