2023 student news archive

Student news provides the latest news and information to help keep our student community informed.

It is regularly updated to let you know about upcoming events, new initiatives, opportunities to develop skills and how to make the most of student services.

Click on the link below for the latest all-student emails:

All-student emails

News listing

Publication date

Court meeting: 4 December 2023

15 December, 20232023

The University’s governing body, the University Court, met on 4 December 2023.

Rector election 2024: nominations now open

15 December, 20232023

Nominations have now opened for the position of University Rector.

Winter break support

13 December, 20232023

Support is available to all our students during the winter break, if you need it.

Save the Dates: Festive Celebrations

05 December, 20232023

It’s almost that time of year again! Join us on campus in November and December for some cosy, fun…

Study support during this exam season

04 December, 20232023

We’ve put together a list of resources and support to help you with preparing for your exams.

Walking the Labyrinth: support from the University Chaplaincy

24 November, 20232023

All students and staff are welcome to attend ‘Walking the Labyrinth’ at 12.10pm on Wednesday 29…

Conference brings focus on student support and wellbeing

24 November, 20232023

More than 120 staff from across the University attended the Student Support and Wellbeing…

Student excellence celebrated with the Edinburgh Award event

23 November, 20232023

A special award reception recognised students’ involvement in extra-curricular projects over the…

Brighter Futures Grants applications closing soon

22 November, 20232023

All University of Edinburgh students are eligible to apply for these grants.

University climate strategy: tell us what you think of our proposed changes

09 November, 20232023

The University has announced a four-week consultation period to gather views from students on our…