Precision Medicine Doctoral Training Programme

2024/25 Projects

Listing of available projects for 24/25 entry.

Applications for all projects must be submitted via the University of Edinburgh's Degree Finder

Please include a CV with your application and ensure you submit the recruitment form. WITHOUT THE RECRUITMENT FORM YOUR APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED

University of Glasgow projects can be found here




AI-driven drug discovery for diseases of unmet need with high-throughput phenomics data Dr Diego Oyarzún
A multimodal approach to stratification and prognostication in metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) Dr Jonathan Fallowfield
A Personalized Approach - Putting the Squeeze on Mesothelioma Dr Carsten Gram Hansen
Artificial Intelligence Augmentation of the Paper ECG  Dr Steven E Williams
Combining deep mutational scanning and imaging to explain mutation pathogenicity and drug resistance in tubulins Prof Grzegorz Kudla
Could disrupted functional connectivity between the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex be an early marker of vascular cognitive impairment in dementia? Dr Jian Gan

Deep learning-based computational pathology for breast cancer precision medicine

Prof Peter Hall
Dissecting mitotic phosphatases network and the effect of molecular glues to combat cell proliferation Prof Julie Welburn
Epigenetic profiling associated with environmental exposure stress for stratifying disease risk Dr Sari Pennings
Examining the causes and consequences of sub-types of depression across the life course Prof Andrew McIntosh
Exploring retinal biomarkers as a novel predictor of pregnancy complications including stillbirth Prof Rebecca Reynolds
Functional stratification of metabolic disease gene variants to accelerate diagnosis, and guide treatment Prof Rob Semple
Genetic colocalisation across disease to identify drug repurposing candidates and risk of patient co-morbidities Dr Erola Pairo-Castineira
High dimensional integrative analysis of clinical and molecular factors to predict mucosal healing in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Analysis of >1000 IBD patient multi-omics data of MUSIC/GIDAMPs Scotland study Dr Gwo-tzer Ho
Impact of genome abnormalities in glioblastoma stem cells on proteome dynamics Dr Georg Kustatscher
Integrative single-cell transcriptomic to identify novel mediator of human blood progenitor proliferation Dr Antonella Fidanza
Interdependence of structure and function: using MRI to determinine the individual tissue characteristics driving atrial fibrillation in the equine heart Prof John Keen
Medical informatics and machine learning for patient stratification and personalised predicition of outcome and clinical event in paediatric critical care Dr Javier Escudero Rodriguez
Quantitative analysis of intrinsic antibiotic resistance in the major nosocomial pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae Dr Andrea Weisse
Routinely collected female-specific risk factors to improve prediction of cardiovascular disease in women Dr Dorien M Kimenai
Stratifying neutrophil responses in Glioblastoma  Prof Sarah Walmsley
Uncovering the molecular basis of how germline mutations of the synaptonemal complex lead to human infertility Dr Owen Davies
Untangling the shared and unique single-cell transcriptomic signatures of different MAPT mutations in iPSC-organoid models and human brain Dr Kathryn Bowles
Using single transcriptomic and genetic manipulation to investigate the cellular interaction in preneoplastic cell development niche Dr Yi Feng
Using synthetic biology and quantitative analysis to understand differences in tolerance to tumorogeneic mutations Prof Sally Lowell
Winter respitory risk prediction model in adults Dr Ting Shi


MRC’s iCASE awards provide students with experience of collaborative research with a non academic partner, enabling the student to spend a period of time with the non-academic partner (usually no less than three months over the lifetime of the PhD).



Establishing the confluence of virulence and antibiotic resistance through antibiotic selection in Klebsiella pneumoniae Dr Thamarai Schneiders