Edinburgh Clinical Trials

Clinical Advisory Group

The ECTU Clinical Advisory Group (CAG) supports, reviews and improves the interaction between ECTU and chief investigators of clinical trials in Edinburgh.

The ECTU Clinical Advisory Group (CAG) supports, reviews and improves the interaction between ECTU and chief investigators of clinical trials in Edinburgh, in order to design, develop and deliver clinical trials that support The University of Edinburgh’s Clinical Trials Strategy.

Terms of Reference


  • Represent the experience and aims of chief investigators leading locally sponsored clinical trials in Edinburgh.
  • Offer coaching and peer support for new chief investigators of locally sponsored clinical trials in Edinburgh throughout the trial, from funding application (as a co-applicant) to publication (as a co-author).
  • Identify educational resources that benefit these chief investigators in their conduct of clinical trials.
  • Review the scope and content of local educational activities about clinical trials (e.g. MSc in Clinical Trials and the Edinburgh Clinical Trials Management Course).
  • Assist the ECTU Research Development Team with pre-submission internal peer review of funding applications for clinical trials led by chief investigators in Edinburgh.
  • Co-design a programme of educational and team-building activities involving ECTU staff and chief investigators and other clinical academics involved in locally sponsored clinical trials in Edinburgh, in order to celebrate success and optimise mutual knowledge and understanding of the activities of chief investigators and ECTU staff.
  • Raise awareness and promote the clinical trials strategy.
  • Assist ECTU with its review of delivery and prioritisation of the clinical trials strategy.


The ECTU CAG currently consists of 10 members including the Chair. These members are experienced clinical academic chief investigators of clinical trials, representative of the diversity of their community in Edinburgh, with a track record of successful collaboration with ECTU in the delivery of clinical trials. One member is an early-career clinical academic represents first-time chief investigators of clinical trials.

ECTU Clinical Director (chair) Rustam Al-Shahi Salman

Aisha Holloway

Sharon Cameron

Matt Reed

James Dear

Michael Eddleston

Andrew Horne

Annemarie Docherty

Charlie Gourley

David Griffith