Intercalated BMedSci programme in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine
The new intercalated BMedSci programme (led by D Griffith) will launch in September 2016 with 10 3rd year medical students joining our department.
Programme details
The programme has proven to be very popular amongst students with around a quarter of intercalating students ranking this programme as their preferred first choice. All 10 selected students have been assigned research projects and supervisors and are already working these up. 6 students applied for scholarships from various organisations, and so far 4 of these (3 BJA/RCOA John Snow Awards, and 1 Kidney Research UK award) have been successful. These are really excellent achievements, and were in no small part due to the enthusiasm and support of members of our department.
Programme structure
From September – December of this year all 10 students will be based at RIE and will be embedded within anaesthesia, critical care and pain. Each student will spend around 3 hours per week in the clinical environment (primarily theatres at RIE), undertaking a Fundamentals of Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain module (led by C Leeson-Payne). The clinical experiences are being designed to help them add clinical context to their learning and to allow them to discuss and explore controversies in anaesthesia – many of them very close to our hearts!
Out-with these clinical sessions, students will have a fairly full programme of problem based learning sessions, tutorials, and practical sessions as part of their Fundamentals module, a Research Methodology module and a Literature Review module.
Research projects
From January 2016, students will be conducting their research projects (supported by supervisors in RIE and WGH). In addition, they will undertake 1 of 3 specialist modules (Respiratory, Cardiovascular, and Nervous Systems under stress run by N Young, D Swann, and M Kelleher respectively). Again, around 3 hours of their week will be taken up with clinical learning experiences, and students will attend theatre sessions, ICU, pain rounds, and clinics in addition to other practical learning experiences.
Dr David Griffith provides an introduction to the Incalated Honours Programme in Anaesthesia, Critical Care and Pain Medicine
Students share hopes for their future year of study as part of the intercalated BmedSci programme
For more news relating to the programme, follow us on Twitter (@Intercalat_ED).