The Roslin Institute
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Opportunities for young people

The Roslin Institute, and the wider Easter Bush Campus, have a range of opportunities on offer for young people

Investors in Young People good practice award silver

Easter Bush Campus has a  Youth Strategy to ensure that the Campus is a place where young people thrive. 

In 2016 the Campus was the first university body in the country to acheive an Investors in Young People accreditation at Silver level.


Modern Apprenticeships

Targeted at young people aged 16–19, our modern apprenticeships are paid placements for 1-2 years. The majority of apprentices are paid on the UE01 scale, which meets national living wage criteria. During their placements apprentices undertake a qualification in an area related to their work on Campus such as IT Customer Service or Business Administration. On completion of their placement, the majority of apprentices are employed on Campus or elsewhere in the University of Edinburgh, or supported in finding employment externally.    

Career Ready Mentorships

Career Ready is a 2-year mentoring programme for high school pupils, aimed at increasing employment chances for young people in the UK. Pupils at Easter Bush Campus are mentored by our staff and undertake a 4-week work placement on Campus, developing their employability skills and preparting them for the world of work.


We offer 12-week paid summer internships at The Roslin Institute for current University of Edinburgh students via the Employ.ed on Campus scheme. These internships provide valuable work experience in a relevant area and increase the employability of our undergraduates, as well as making a significant contribution to the work of the Institute.

Career Exploration

Come along to our public events to speak to our students, scientists and vets to find out more about careers in biological, biomedical and veterinary science


For more information about opportunities on Campus please contact:

General enquiries

Contact details



Easter Bush Campus

Post Code
EH26 8BE