We are committed to fostering an environment in which research, researchers, and those that enable research, can thrive. Research sits at the core of the University’s mission. It forms one of the four pillars in our Strategy 2030 and we use research to advance knowledge and change the world for the better. Our ability to deliver excellent research depends on our research cultures. Our research cultures are built and maintained through the values, expectations and behaviours that shape how we support, deliver and communicate our research. It’s our responsibility as an institution, and as individuals, to foster cultures where we are all encouraged, supported and recognised appropriately. Our first Research Cultures Action Plan was agreed by University Executive in February 2023. Highlights of the plan include measures on recognising collegiality and citizenship in annual review and promotions, more targeted support for under-represented groups, and an ambitious plan for supporting our technician community. Through this action plan, we want to ensure our research is conducted in a collegial, supportive and enabling environment, which facilitates rigorous and responsible research.While the University of Edinburgh already has a wide range of fantastic initiatives in place, this plan provides a much-needed framework for bringing together these strands, and addressing key gaps – for example around rewarding collegiality, enhancing leadership and recognition of our technicians and professional support colleagues, and addressing barriers to equality and diversity in research careers.Professor Christina Boswell | Vice-Principal Research & EnterpriseResearch Cultures Action PlanOur Research Cultures Action Plan realises our commitment to foster an environment where research, researchers, and those who support them, can thrive.5 Underpinning Values5 Drivers for ChangeThe Action Plan is underpinned by a set of core values that guide all our research activities: Citizenship Wellbeing Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) Ethics and integrity Learning The Action Plan aims to realise these values through practical measures across several drivers for change:Career pathways and progressionTargeted supportResponsible researchCommunication & engagementGovernance & dataThe research community addressed in the Action Plan encompasses all those involved in research, from undergraduates gaining their first experience of research to established academics leading in their field and those providing the services and support that enable a flourishing research environment.Research Cultures Action Plan 2023-25 (424 KB PDF)Research Cultures Delivery PlanOur Research Cultures Delivery Plan was developed over the summer of 2023 by a short-life working group tasked with elaborating the actions set out in the Research Cultures Action Plan. Specifically, the Delivery Plan:describes the specific measures that will be taken to deliver each of the 41 actions set out in the Action Plan;clarifies the timeframe for their delivery;establishes which parts of the organisation are responsible for delivery.Research Cultures Delivery Plan 2023-25 (2.2 MB PDF)Postgraduate Research Cultures PlanOur Doctoral College have developed a Postgraduate Research (PGR) Cultures Plan building on the PGR actions outlined in the Action and Delivery Plans above. The PGR Cultures Plan was approved by Research Strategy Group and Senate Education Committee in June 2024.Postgraduate Research Cultures Plan 2024 (278kB PDF)Progress on our PlansWork to improve our research cultures is happening in every School, Institute, College and Department. Below is a summary of some activity to implement our Research Cultures Plan to improve our research cultures.For a complete progress update on our Research Cultures Plan please email Alex Peden at research.cultures@ed.ac.uk or visit the Research Cultures Delivery Group committee site www.committees.ed.ac.uk/research-cultures-delivery-group. Expand allCollapse allPathways & ProgressionOngoing: HR are leading a review of our academic promotion process, including adding a criterion of Citizenship & CollegialityComplete: Our Doctoral College team have published the PGR Cultures Plan (linked above)Complete: PGR students now have access to a Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR) to record their activities, training and citizenship activities.Complete: PGR students can now complete an exit questionnaire where they can let us know about their student experience, and we can act on the information provided.Targeted SupportOngoing: We will be advertising a new Technician Lead role to provide additional capacity to our Technician Commitment activity.Complete: We have appointed another Career Consultant in IAD to increase the support to researchers in understanding their career options.Complete: IAD have launched a new suite of training and support for Principal Investigators and Research Leaders.Responsible ResearchOngoing: Our Library Research Support team are leading the development of a University wide fair publication policyComplete: New ethics & integrity training is now available via IAD.Complete: We have signed the UK Concordat for Sustainable Research Practice.Communication & EngagementOngoing: HR are piloting new neurodiversity training for managersComplete: New SharePoint site with Guidance and Support for those experiencing Online Harassment [Your University login required]Complete: New Deans with responsibilities for Research Culture have been appointed in all three Colleges Governance & DataOngoing: We launched and closed a 2024 Research Cultures Survey, and are developing an interface so the university Community can navigate the results of all three surveys since 2020.Complete: The Research Cultures Forum has been established with terms of reference approved.Complete: The Research Cultures Delivery Group has been established with terms of reference approved.Research Cultures Delivery GroupOur Research Cultures Delivery Group (RCDG) is chaired by Alex Peden, as the Head of Research Cultures, and is tasked with the delivery of the Research Cultures Action and Delivery Plan and Postgraduate Research Cultures Plan. Updates on progress on the delivery of the action plan are available via the committee site below.Research Cultures Delivery Group Committee siteResearch Cultures SurveyIn 2020, 2022 and 2024 we ran a Research Cultures Survey based on the 2019 Wellcome Survey of Institutional Research Culture. The survey was deployed via a web form to University of Edinburgh research professional staff, academic staff, research staff, technicians and doctoral research students The survey results inform our research cultures approach and also provide information which will allow refinement of the questions needed in future surveys. We plan to continue to refine the survey questions set so they are increasingly relevant to the UoE context and issue a research cultures survey every 2 years.The 2024 survey has now closed, we're analysing the results and developing a dashboard to display the results of all three surveys.2020 Survey Results | BI Suite [Your University Login Required]Methodology, analysis and results of University of Edinburgh Research Cultures Survey 2020 and 2022 | Open Science FrameworkInformation about Open Science Framework, an open research toolStaff Engagement SurveyWe undertook our first all staff survey in 2018 and 2023, with the 2025 survey available to complete until the 3rd March 2025. The results of the 2018 and 2023 surveys are linked below and fed into the development of our Research Cultures plans.Staff Engagement Survey 2023 Results [Your University Login Required]Staff Engagement Survey 2018 Results [Your University Login Required]Refreshing Our Action PlanMany of the actions outlined in our 2023 Research Cultures Action Plan should be completed by the end of the calendar year 2025. In order to maintain progress on improving our Research Cultures we will refresh our Research Cultures plan during 2025, so we can take forward an updated plan from January 2026. We will maintain the evidence-based and consultative approach to our research cultures activity undertaken in the 2023 plan. To inform our refreshed action plan we will draw on survey results, discussions in the Research Cultures Forum, related action plans and associated consultations, College Research Cultures priorities, the InFrame project, and recommendations stemming from actions in the 2023 plan.If you would like more information on our aproach to refreshing our Research Cultures Action Plan please email Alex Peden at research.cultures@ed.ac.uk. This article was published on 2024-11-12