InFrame Project

An inclusive framework for research leadership: testing a new model for creating culture change

InFrame logo

The universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh and St Andrews have been awarded £3M from Wellcome to create a new framework for inclusive research leadership – InFrame. Recognising that a skilled collegial approach is critical for the development of supportive and equitable cultures, and foundational to the aspirations set out in our research cultures action plans. Our collaboration aims to address the paucity of systematic knowledge on how collegiality can be fostered, recognised and rewarded. It also aims to expand the definition of who can be viewed as a research leader to a wider set of role types, and individuals in the research ecosystem. 

The InFrame project started in September 2024, led at Edinburgh by Professor Christina Boswell and Dr Sara Shinton.

Our project will amplify local actions and behaviours that create positive cultures. We will allow our research communities to teach us their positive leadership behaviours, and then feed their expertise into development and reward structures. We will provide access to funding opportunities for those outside privileged groups and pathways, thus democratising research leadership, unleashing creativity and new thinking. We will develop new leaders through a comprehensive programme which will generate new impact from new leaders.

InFrame Objectives

Recognition Campaign

In 2024 all partner Universities will run an initiative to recognise examples of collegial research leadership, you will be invited to take part in that and nominate colleagues who make a positive contribution to our research culture.

Collegial Research Leadership Framework

led by University of Glasgow

A Collegial Research Leadership Framework will identify what collegial leadership looks like and create a set of tools that apply across all roles and job families.

Research Culture Catalyst Fund

led by University of St Andrews

A £1M Culture Catalyst Fund widening access to funding to and drive the emergence of new ideas from new leaders, testing and developing the co-created framework.

First call for proposals is open, details at link below

Community Knowledge Hub

led by University of Edinburgh

Our Community Knowledge Hub provides bespoke pre- and post- award support, community building, knowledge-sharing, and critical cross-linking of funded projects.

Meet the hub team

Project Ethos

  • Equality, diversity, inclusion, accessibility. An intersectional, pervasive approach to EDI is at the heart of the project
  • Disruption of institutional hierarchies. We will create the conditions to surface the emergence of new ideas from new leaders
  • A synergistic collaborative approach. We will maximise alignment and impact of our work across the partner institutions, and for the Scottish sector.
  • Positive recognition and celebration of practice. We challenge the deficit model of culture change, and its resulting antagonism of engagement and morale.

Any Questions?

If you are interested in developing a research culture project or have a query you would like to get support from the Community Knowledge Hub on we'd be happy to discuss

Email to contact the Community Knowledge Hub team.

Join our Mailing List

Join our mailing list and stay up to date with the work of the InFrame project as well as hear about future funding and partnership opportunities from the Culture Catalyst Fund. 

Partner Websites

Wellcome's Project Selection Process