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Dr Xueyi Shen Research Fellow
Xueyi Shen
Yating Shen
Wenjing Sheng
Susan D Shenkin Professor of Healthcare for Older People, Ageing and Health, University of Edinburgh | Honorary Consultant, NHS Lothian
Daniel Shephard Lecturer in Comparative Education and Education Policy
Deirdre Shepherd Tutor
Ms Fran Shepherd
Paul Shepherd Junior support Analyst - Modern Apprentice
Ms Shahida Sheraz Research Assistant
Laura Sherlock
Dr Adrian Sherman Avian Technologies Manager
Kim Sherwood Lecturer in Creative Writing
Volodymyr Alexander Shevchuk
PhD student Ke Shi
Ting Shi Chancellor's Fellow
Yuze Shi
Isabella Shields University Tutor and PhD Candidate
Dr Kirsteen Shields Senior Lecturer in International Law and Food Security
Rosalind Shields Institute Secretary for IEB and IIIR