Dr Kevin Wright

Senior Personal Tutor (Undergraduate)


I taught in schools in Scotland for 13 years. I began as a primary class teacher, then moved in to Support for Learning, and finally taught pupils with complex needs.

In 2005 I was seconded to Moray House School of Education as a Teaching Fellow and in 2008 I took up the post of lecturer. Most of my teaching at Moray House is in undergraduate courses, where I am particularly interested in additional support for learning. I also teach at MSc level.

I completed my PhD on the experiences of female classroom assistants and how such women negotiate their roles within the micro-political world of the primary school. My PhD considered the intersection of a Bourdieuian account of class, ‘emphasised femininity’, ‘respectability’, and the ‘atrocity story’ to account not only for these women’s constant struggle for recognition, but also their continuing oppression. 


  • 1986: BA (Hons) Sociology (University of Lancaster)
  • 1992: PGCE Primary Education (Jordan Hill College of Education)
  • 1999: PG Diploma in Special Educational Needs (Moray House Institute of Education)
  • 2001: PG Diploma Educational Leadership and Management (SQH) (University of Edinburgh)
  • 2005: MA Education (Open University)
  • 2015: PhD, ‘Classroom Assistants Use of Talk in the Construction and Negotiation of Identities’ (University of Edinburgh)

Undergraduate teaching

  • Primary Studies 1: The Nature of Knowledge (Course Organiser)
  • Additional Support for Learning (Course Organiser)
  • Education 1a
  • Primary Studies 2
  • Primary Studies 3
  • PEP3

Areas of interest for supervision

I am happy to supervise research in the following areas:

  • Support Staff
  • Inclusion
  • Additional Support Needs

Research summary

I am interested in the role of support staff in schools and how this helps us to understand issues of inclusion and additional support needs.