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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Charis Wong Clinical Fellow in Data-driven Drug Selection
Cheuk Wong Thesis title
Edward Wong PhD Candidate in New Testament and Christian Origins
Hoi-to Wong Thesis title
Ms Alexandra Wood Veterinary Nurse (Medical)
Dr Andrew Wood IGC Chancellor's Fellow
Dr Anna Wood Research Assistant
Dr Anthony Wood Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr Chris Wood Data Services Project Manager
Dr Christopher W. Wood Senior Lecturer in Biotechnology
Miss Claire Wood MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow
Colin Wood Clinical Pathology Laboratory Manager
Jess Wood Administrative Assistant and Tenant Liaison
Lewis Wood
Professor Rachael Wood Consultant in Public Health Medicine, Honorary Professor of Maternal and Child Public Health
Sasha Wood Senior Teaching Administrator
Dr Shaun Wood Research Fellow in Advanced Therapeutic Medicinal Products
Tom Wood PhD Linguistics & English Language
Karen Woodcock Deanery of Biomedical Sciences Postgraduate Research Student Administrator
Julie Woodfield ECAT Clinical Lecturer, University of Edinburgh & Neurosurgery Specialty Trainee, NHS Lothian