Centre de recherches francophones belges

Colloque: Récits de l’expérience thérapeutique: psychanalyse, thérapies par la parole, et créativité

Nous invitons des propositions de communication (de 20 minutes) de chercheurs/-euses, auteur(e)s, cinéastes, artistes, thérapeutes clinicien(ne)s qui s’intéressent aux liens entre la psychanalyse, les thérapies par la parole et l’expression artistique pour ce colloque qui aura lieu le 7-8 décembre 2017.

This interdisciplinary project aims to identify and analyze performances and explorations of the mind, intersubjectivity, of talking therapies, psychic well-being, and, more urgently, psychological disorders, explored in the literature , film, media, and art. The conference aims to highlight the therapeutic encounter, from the patient's point of view, and viewed in the context of the creative act as counterpoint to the clinician case study.

We are particularly interested in proposals concerned with artistic creation in the Francophone area, but the explorations of other linguistic areas, and comparative, would also be welcome.

Thank you to send your proposals before 31 January 2017 in the form of a text of about 250-300 words, with your biobibliography at susan.bainbrigge@ed.ac.uk . Please report by email, prior to maturity, your intention to participate in order to facilitate the organization of the conference.

Stories of therapeutic experience: psychoanalysis, talking therapies and creativity

The conference aims to explore the representation to the 20 th and 21 th centuries therapeutic process in various forms of artistic expression (life stories, self-fiction, novel, film, TV series, installation). What can we tell these stories on the therapeutic practice, which has its roots in Freudian psychoanalysis of the late 19 th century? A practice that has since experienced a flowering of treatments and psychological interventions, and continues to stimulate debate and even controversy. Such representations can they teach us about the culture and the history in which they manifest themselves; more can they afford to take stock of psychological treatment and / or psychoanalytic analysis by such practices? To continue the point of view of Lacan (expressed about Duras), to what extent is are we in literature and artistic creation in general, the foundations of future psychological theories?

If Freud was of the opinion that literature could form the clinician as much or more than the medical manual, how to approach the autobiographical text or (auto) fictitious dealing with the therapeutic field or the link between therapy and creativity? Freud spoke of the 'theoretical fiction' ( 'fiction theory') to describe the case study of the therapist. In this perspective we will focus on the creative output of the patients, their words and experiences, like Serge Doubrovsky, who wrote in 1993 about the autobiography and psychoanalysis that: '[...] the " narrative analysis "thorough logbook or posthumous reconstruction, has become almost a genre, it would be interesting, however, studying in parallel with the clinical narrative, on the other side of the couch ( ' autobiography / truth / psychoanalysis'). The kind of self-fiction, and related genera were particularly conducive to such exploration, given their implicit or explicit commitments with the many facets of psychological well-being and its corollary, the discomfort or even mental illness.

Proposals for subject / issues (not exhaustive)

  • Explorations of theoretical fictions'
  • The links between talking therapies, imagination, and artistic expression
  • Intersubjectivity and healing
  • Create and repair; sublimation (Freud, Klein, Segal)
  • And game creation (Winnicott)
  • Language and speech in the therapeutic space
  • Representations and explorations of madness (and reason)
  • (Meh) self-knowledge
  • Conflicts; dramas; myths
  • The 'scriptothérapie'; the 'bibliotherapy'
  • The framework; the process (start, end, pauses, interruptions ...), the form; psychic envelope and psychoanalytic framework (Anzieu)
  • The ear of the other; the witness; presence and absence
  • Folie à deux; blind spots; cultural shifts
  • Monologue, dialogue, community
  • Private and public
  • The suffering as a 'patient' ( 'patio') bear the pain
  • The world of psychoanalysis; psychiatry; clinical; Web forum ... explored in literature and the arts

Copyright selection (s), filmmakers, artists involved (s):

Chantal Akerman, Christine Angot, Henry Bauchau, Simone de Beauvoir, Louise Bourgeois, Sophie Calle, Marie Cardinal, Hélène Cixous, Chloe Delaume, Serge Doubrovsky, Michel Houellebecq, Julia Kristeva, Camille Laurens, Linda Lê, Michel Leiris, Nicole Malinconi Andre Malraux, Gisèle Pineau, Emma Santos, Liliane SCHRAUWEN, François Weyergans.

Author (s) / psychoanalysts / Psychiatric: Henry Bauchau, Marie Darrieussecq, Lydia Flem, Philippe Grimbert, Jacqueline Harpman, Julia Kristeva, Lydie Salvayre.

The work of Lacan has played an important role in the dialogue with the artistic creation in the French-speaking area; el writings of Malcolm Bowie in English on Lacan have expanded the horizons of literary critiique in its reports to psychoanalysis. Similarly, the works of JF Chiantaretto and JB Pontalis establish proof of fertile and creative links between llittérature and psychoanalysis, without forgetting the many writings of psychoanalysts on the field today, and in the past (of Anzieu, Andre Green, Jean-Pierre Lebrun, Elisabeth Roudinesco, to name a few quelqes), devoted to issues of creativity, desire, trauma and bereavement.

Studies on the relationship between Beckett and Bion also illustrate the powerful impact of the therapeutic encounter, both for the artist and for the clinician.

The English descriptions of the therapeutic encounter include works by Jonathan Franzen, Hanif Kureishi, Ali Smith and Philip Roth, to name a few. Among the analysts who wrote fictional accounts of the therapeutic encounter, there is Mary Adams, Jenny Diski, Thomas Ogden, Salley Vickers, and Irvin Yalom, Recent TV shows that depict the therapeutic encounter are: The Sopranos, Mad Men, and In Treatment. Recent publications such as Reflections on the Aesthetic Experience: Psychoanalysis and the Uncanny Gregorio Kohon, published in 2015, show the fascination continues for artistic business relationship with psychoanalysis and its continual questioning. In the British psychoanalytic tradition, analysts such as Melanie Klein, Hanna Segal, Marion Milner, Juliet Miller, and Donald Winnicott, among others, have written about the relationship between talking therapies and the creative process.