Centre de recherches francophones belges

UK's first Professor of Graphic Fiction and Comic Art appointed

Benoit Peeters, the well known comics creator, curator, critic and Hergé biographer has been appointed the UK's first Professor of Graphic Fiction and Comic Art at Lancaster University.

Benoit Peeters

The three-year post is the result of collaboration between Lancaster University, the Lakes International Comic Art Festival (LICAF) and Wallonia Brussels International (WBI) which has been described as "a significant investment in the academic significance of comic art".

Mr Peeters said: “This professorship is a great honour for me. ... I want to explore the connections between the history of graphic fiction and contemporary creation, between the world of French and Belgian bande dessinée, and the world of comics and graphic novels”.

In addition to his research he will be working alongside postgraduates at the university as well as giving lectures and running workshops on creative writing techniques.

Benoit Peeters takes up his post in Summer 2016 and will be present at next year’s Lakes International Comic Art Festival, which runs 14th – 16th October 2016.

Lakes International Comic Art Festival

Read more on the Guardian website