Centre de recherches francophones belges

Brussels Conference, November 2018: Résilience et Modernité dans les Littératures francophones

Directors of the Belgian Centre in Edinburgh, Susie Bainbrigge and Edouard Notte, recently took part in an International conference on Francophone Literatures in Brussels, organised by Marc Quaghebeur and Laurence Boudart of the Archives et Musée de la Littérature.

The conference took place in the Wallonie-Bruxelles Parliament building, and the theme of the conference was 'Modernity and resilience'. Dr Bainbrigge gave a paper on depictions of the therapeutic encounter in a selection of francophone Belgian texts (including Henry Bauchau, Nicole Malinconi and François Weyergans). It was an excellent opportunity to meet with colleagues with Belgian-related interests from all over the world, and definitely more fun than the neighbouring Brexit negotiations going on in Brussels at the same time!

Read more about the conference on the Archives et Musée de la Littérature website.