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Keep up to date with the latest news, statements and discussions around Brexit.


University life after Brexit web story from the University of Edinburgh Press Office (8 January 2021) 

Edinburgh Research Office blog post 'Brexit and EU Research Funding – January 2021 update' (6 January 2021) 


UK Research Office (UKRO) information pages on UK participation in EU Programmes for Research, Innovation and Higher Education

European Commission information pages on the relationship with the UK 

Information on the UK-EU Trade Agreeement Deals - overview on the Government website (24 December 2020) 

Edinburgh Research Office blog post on Brexit and EU research funding update (26 November 2020) 

UKRI statement on Working on EU-funded projects (23 November) 

UK government published information for the science, research and innovation sector on preparing for the end of the transition period (3 November) 

Edinburgh Research Office information page on Brexit and EU Funding (internal access only) 

Professor Peter Mathieson, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, has written to students and staff reiterating that the University of Edinburgh "will continue to be a beacon of excellence, with a determinedly international outlook, for generations to come." (31 January 2020)

Edinburgh Research Office have posted a blog post on the impact of Brexit on EU funded research under Horizon 2020. (27 January 2020)

UKRI statement on UK Participation in Horizon 2020, the EU's Flagship Science and Innovation Programme. (22 January 2020)


The UK Government has published its No-Deal Readiness Report setting out what will change if the UK leaves without a deal and what the Government is doing to get ready for Brexit on 31 October. (8 October 2019)

The University of Edinburgh has published updated Brexit advice and support for current and prospective students, staff and their family members. (4 October 2019)

The University of Edinburgh hosted UNA Europa and senior representatives from universities across Europe to shape a project that will create innovative learning and research opportunities. (4 October 2019)

The Edinburgh Research Office at the University of Edinburgh blogs on the impact of Brexit on European Commission research funding. (3 October 2019)

The UK Government has published information on getting ready for Brexit on 31 October 2019. (1 October 2019)

The EU Citizens’ Rights Project, backed by the Scottish Government, will deliver nationwide events to raise awareness about what they need to do to stay in Scotland after Brexit. (8 September 2019)

Through its new membership of UNA Europa, the University of Edinburgh has been successful in its bid for European funding in the European Commission’s new European Universities initiative. UNA Europa seeks to increase collaboration between member universities with ambitious targets around student mobility, joint programme development and research activity. (26 June 2019)

The Scottish Government has launched a toolkit to support EU citizens who wish to stay in Scotland. (24 April 2019)

The Scottish Government has confirmed that EU students commencing their undergraduate studies at a Scottish University in the 2020/21 academic year will be charged the same tuition fees and will get the same fee support as Scottish students for the duration of their studies. (19 April 2019)

Universities Scotland and Universities UK have lobbied for continued access to ERC grants in the event of a no-deal. (19 March 2019)  

The Scottish Government has published their Brexit Plan for Further and Higher Education. (13 March 2019)

Professor Jonathan Seckl, Vice-Principal (Planning, Resources and Research Policy), gives an update on EU research funding on the Research Support Office blog. (27 February 2019)

The European Commission’s Culture and Education Committee has approved the next iteration of the Erasmus+ programme. The new programme beginning in 2021 and lasting until 2027 will have a key strategic focus on providing mobilities and opportunities to widening participation cohorts. (20 February 2019)

Universities UK offer advice to universities in preparing for a no-deal Brexit. (February 2019)

The UK Government updates its technical notice on no-deal impact on Erasmus+ and Universities UK publish their response. The technical notice highlights the possibility of no funding for a national scheme to replace Erasmus should association to the current programme end if the UK leaves the EU without an agreement. (29 January 2019)

Vice-Chancellors from the Russell Group and German U15 sign a declaration pledging their commitment to continued partnership post-Brexit. (14 January 2019)

University leaders write an open letter to MPs warning of no-deal impact on the UK university sector. (4 January 2019)



Analysis and research from the University examining what is next for Europe.

Centre on Constitutional Change: researching the UK’s changing constitutional relationships.

European Futures: an academic blog on Europe and European affairs from the University of Edinburgh and the Edinburgh Europa Institute.

Edinburgh Research Office blog: specialist knowledge and targeted support to the University of Edinburgh’s research community.

Scottish Centre on European Relations: an independent and unaligned EU think tank based in Edinburgh.