Edinburgh Summer School 2024

Make Friends For Life This Summer!

Looking to broaden your horizons, increase your knowledge and expand your international network this summer? Then join us at the University of Edinburgh’s Summer School 2022.


From making new friends from all over the globe to being introduced to a diversity of new ideas and experiencing the simple joy of seeing the world, there are lots of reasons to choose to study in Edinburgh this summer.

Whether you're interested in our Pre-University or Undergraduate programme, Edinburgh is a dream destination for many people who wish to study and live abroad and as a result, our Summer School programme attracts people from all around the world. Summer School students at the University of Edinburgh can enjoy incredible experiences and form friendships to last a lifetime.

You will benefit from face-to-face teaching and lots of contact time on campus with our prestigious University of Edinburgh academic teaching staff, to help you make the most of your summer learning experience.

In addition, to complement the academic content of the course, social activities and educational visits will be offered as part of your experience.

This may include: an Edinburgh city tour, traditional Scottish ceilidh (traditional dance), fudge making class, Edinburgh ghost tour, afternoon tea experience and a day-trip out of Edinburgh to a local visitor attraction.

In your free time outside of the course, we also recommend that you experience life as a local and here are a few examples of things to do:

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