Policies and Regulations
Information on regulations and policies, which govern the way IS services works.
The full range of IS University Policies are available from the University Policy Directory at Policy Directory | The University of Edinburgh
You can access a policy from the site by its title, either by clicking on the appropriate A-Z letter or the arrow in the column header. You can also search for it by category/theme or by the operational area of the University which owns the policies, i.e. is responsible for its content. All IS policies are either aligned 'IT Services' or 'Library Services'.
University Computing Acceptable Use Policy
The University of Edinburgh has adopted this Acceptable Use Policy to cover the use of all its computing and network facilities by staff, students and any other persons authorised to use them. This Policy supersedes all previous versions of the University Computing Regulations.
Library Regulations
These Regulations govern the use of all University of Edinburgh Library facilities and resources by staff, students and anyone else authorised to use them.
Security Policies
This section contains policies and practices related to information security.
Operational Policies
In this section you will find the major policies of a general nature which guide or govern the way Information Services (IS) works.
Research Publications & Copyright Policy (2021)
This policy supersedes and updates the first University of Edinburgh Research Publications Policy passed by University Court in 2010.
Research Data Management Policy
The purpose of the policy is to make clear the responsibilities of the University and its researchers for managing research data well, in order to adhere to accepted good practice, advance the University Strategy 2030 and the Open Research Roadmap, and to provide linkages to other relevant university policies.
Advisory Policies
This policy helps everyone to interact effectively with the University's information services.
Statutory Notices
The University is legally obliged to bring the information in this section to your attention.
Special Collections and Museums Policies
The University of Edinburgh has been collecting and maintaining culturally and scientifically significant objects, samples and artefacts in a number of fields for over 400 years, and is now home to ten distinct collections and the Talbot Rice Gallery.