SIERG's work
Current projects and examples of recent publications.
Current research projects
Faculty projects
Shifting the Narrative: Exploring the role of arts interventions in supporting communities in working across sectors to achieve place-based climate action (British Academy Shared Understandings of a Sustainable Future scheme) (CO-Is Dr Ramsey Affifi and Dr Jule Hildmann)
Sensory Explorations of Nature in School Environments (SENSE). EPSRC. (CO-I Dr Laura Colucci-Gray)
Keeping the Door Open: Curating, developing and evolving Edinburgh University teaching in spaces and places within the city and beyond (PTAS) (Co-Is Dr Beth Christie, Dr David Clarke, Professor Pete Higgins, Professor Robbie Nicol, Dr Heidi Smith)
A curriculum for climate justice: a collaborative investigation of the challenges and opportunities for climate change education through a social justice lens (PTAS). (PI Dr Callum McGregor, CO-I Professor Pete Higgins, Dr Beth Christie)
PhD students projects
Sharon Boyd's: Place-responsive higher education at a distance
Christian Hanser's: A Scottish classroom beyond walls? Investigating student teachers' negotiations of meaning when applying transformative pedagogies through a mobile tiny house as experimental classroom
Susanne Paulus’: Exploring outdoor activities for people with refugee and migrant biographies / Relational processes in an intercultural and inclusive community garden
Jack Reed’s: The Influence of Mobile Devices and Social Media on the Transfer of Learning in Residential Outdoor Experiences
Julia Skilton’s: Climate Change Education: Full STEAM Ahead
Stephen Sowa’s: Facilitating school students' career aspirations and preparations for the changing landscape of work
Lewis Stockwell’s: The Educational Aims of Canoeing
Selected (recent) publications
Jan 2022. Educating in post-normal times: Exploring a pedagogy of being ‘in the world’
Dec 2021. The wisp of an outline ≈ Storying ontology as environmental inquiry↔education :–)
Dec 2021. Energy F/flows through the environment in The White Peacock
Sep 2021. Making Routes: Journeys in Performance 2010-2020
Sep 2021. Fluid education—a new pedagogical possibility
Jul 2021. World-Centred Education: A View for the Present
Apr 2021. Teaching wicked problems in higher education: Ways of thinking and practising
Jan 2021. Towards climate justice education: Views from activists and educators in Scotland
Aug 2020. Beauty in the darkness: Aesthetic education in the ecological crisis
Jan 2020. Putting education into place and place into education
More projects and publications
For more examples of projects and publications, see our members profiles. Access their profiles via their names on our 'About us' page.