Moray House School of Education and Sport

Is Academic Freedom under Threat? If so, from where?

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Universities have long been sites of open discussion where competing ideas are considered on their merit. The principle being that good ideas will flourish whilst the weaker will be consigned to the dustbin of history. There is a renewed public and political interest in the topic; perhaps signalling that some academics feel there are now greater restrictions on what can and cannot be said, researched and taught.

This webinar will hear from 3 speakers each of whom will consider whether this is something we ought to be concerned about, and if so,  where they feel the greatest threats to academic freedom currently lie.


Dr Stuart Waiton, Abertay University

Dr Liz Morrish, Independent scholar

Dr Kasia Kaczmarska, University of Edinburgh

Discussant: Dr Shereen Benjamin, Moray House School of Education and Sport


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Moray House School of Education and Sport logo
Jan 26 2022 -

Is Academic Freedom under Threat? If so, from where?

The Higher Education Research Group invites you to a webinar to discuss whether we should be worried about threats to academic freedom.

Online / Zoom