You are welcome to visit us
Where we are located and how to arrange a visit.
The School of Economics at the University of Edinburgh is located at 30 Buccleuch Place.
Campus map of the School of Economics
Please note that the School is currently closed to applicants and students, and many staff are working from home. You should contact us through email if you have any queries.
Open Day
Open Days are a very useful way to find out more about postgraduate study from the people who know it best: our staff and students.
Postgraduate visiting information from the University of Edinburgh
The School of Economics will be running online Open Day information sessions for our postgraduate programmes on Wednesday 11th November - more details regarding these sessions will be published soon.
Admissions for the SGPE MSc programmes are administered by the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences admissions team at the University of Edinburgh. Contact details for this team are available below.
Postgraduate Admissions
Contact details
- Work: +44 (0)131 650 6536
- Email:
- Street
57 George Square
- City
- Edinburgh
Monday-Friday 9am-5pm