Emergency contacts and procedures

Emergency procedures that should be followed in the case of fire, accident or other emergency.

The University Emergency Number is 2222 and is only available from the University internal telephone system. An emergency line has been set up for those University personnel who do not have access to the 2222 number. Staff/students in University Residences or those calling from a mobile phone should dial (0131) 650 2257.

If you discover a fire

If you discover a fire, operate the nearest fire alarm call point or, if no alarm is provided, shout “FIRE”.

If you hear the fire alarm, leave the building by the nearest available escape route and go to your assembly area. Lifts must not be used in the event of fire, unless designated as a fire evacuation lift. Temporary waiting spaces, where provided, should be used to ensure assistance can be provided where necessary.

In the event of a fire or other serious incident requiring the attendance of the Fire and Rescue Service:

  • Dial the University Emergency Number 2222 from extensions on the 650/651 exchange. For all other telephones, dial (0131) 651 3999 or (0131) 650 2257.
  • State your name, location and telephone number. Supply the University Security Service with any details of the location and the nature of the emergency.
  • Wait for confirmation that your message has been understood.
  • The University Security Service will call the Fire and Rescue Service, as appropriate. If, after ten minutes, the Fire and Rescue Service has not arrived, repeat the emergency call on 2222. If possible, arrange for someone to be at the main entrance to the building, to show the Fire and Rescue Service the way to the incident.

Injury or ill health

If you are not qualified in first aid yourself, send for the nearest available First Aider, who will take charge of the situation.

List of first aiders

If no qualified First Aiders are available, ensure that an ambulance is called following the 'Serious injury or ill health' procedure below.

If you suspect that a casualty has been poisoned, alert Accident and Emergency, dial (9) (0131) 536 1000, so that A&E staff can get information from the Poisons Bureau.

Serious injury or ill health

In the event of a serious injury or ill health requiring the attendance of the Ambulance Service:

  • Dial (9)999 and ask for the Ambulance Service.
  • State your name, location and telephone number. The Ambulance Service operator may ask you to describe the casualty’s condition, first aid measures applied etc, and will assess the seriousness of the event – follow their instructions.
  • Follow up with a second call to the University Security Service on 2222, if practicable. If possible, arrange for someone to be at the main entrance to the building, to show the Emergency Services the way to the incident.


All of the Health and Safety Department can be contacted via MS Teams or by email, please note that each unit has different working hours and hybrid work patterns.  If you are unsure who to contact, please email health.safety@ed.ac.uk and your query will be directed to the most suitable member of staff.

Ensure that the University Health and Safety Department is informed as soon as practicable. In the case of serious incidents, a report should be made promptly by emailing Health and Safety.

Email Health and Safety 

In due course, a report of all fires, accidents and other incidents must be sent to the Health and Safety Department by means of the University online Accident and Incident reporting system.

Report an accident or incident