Female Fertility in the Forces Study

About the F3 study

Why are we studying this?

The Interim Health Report  (IHR) looked at how many women in the Armed Forces saw their GPs about their fertility over a three year period.  The audit showed that compared to civilians, women in the military over the age of 30 consulted their GPs more often. However, we don’t know if this means that women in the Armed Forces actually have more fertility problems than civilians or if they just consult their GP more often.

There are no published studies looking at fertility in the UK Emergency Services that we can compare the IHR findings to. This is one reason, we are using the MPS as a comparison group.

The Survey

The survey takes most women 20 mins to complete but may take you more or less time depending on your particular circumstances.

As some of the questions are of a personal nature, you may choose to complete it at home or in a private place.

The survey covers:

  • General background information
  • Basic information about your employment
  • Your current lifestyle
  • Your past medical history in relation to fertility
  • Your periods and any gynaecological problems
  • Any pregnancies you have had

It is available as an electronic survey here: https://surveys.mod.uk/index.php/743251?lang=en  , but if you prefer to complete it on paper, please contact us at Maddy.Thiel@ed.ac.uk to request a paper version. In your message, please tell us if you are in the Armed Forces, the MPS or a sister and send your postal address.

The electronic survey is compatible on most computers, tablets and smartphones.

If you are within the first 2500 women in your group to respond, you will receive a £5 e-voucher for Amazon, should you want it, to compensate for making time to respond quickly.

Why a survey?

  • Most studies looking at infertility are self-reported, questionnaire-based studies like this one.
  • Most women will be able to answer the questions we want to know the answers to very easily.
  • You can fill it out by yourself, at a time which suits you either online (following this link – www.linktosurvey.co.uk ) or by requesting a paper copy from here Maddy.Thiel@ed.ac.uk
  • A survey also allows all information to be provided confidentially (i.e. you do not need to provide any identifying details such as your name, date of birth, address, or service number). 

Who can take part

All regular servicewomen in the UK Armed Forces, Police Officers in the Metropolitan Police Service, and all their sisters (biological, step, half and adopted) are invited to take part.

At the moment we are not studying Reservists, Police staff, Police Community Support Officers, Special Constables, women serving in a police force other than the MPS or women who have retired from or left the Police Force or Armed Forces.

What happens to the data?

All data will be held in accordance with NHS Health Research Authority guidance and the Data Protection Act. Only the researchers involved in the study will have access to the raw data. Any completed paper versions of the questionnaire will be destroyed at the end of the study period. Once analysed raw data will be held securely, by the MOD for 50 years. The purpose of the retention of the data is to ensure that MOD has the ability to provide the relevant data at a later stage to comply with the UK Government record keeping requirements.

If you agree to provide contact details, to consider helping with further research into this area, we will keep those details separate to your survey responses. Your details will be held securely for up to two years after study ends. If you change your mind about us holding your details during this time, please email us to remove them.