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Medical and self-care advice for NHS Lothian patients with endometriosis

An information resource to guide you about some of the current recommendations on endometriosis medical treatments and offer strategies for managing some of the associated symptoms.

Following on from the COVID-19 pandemic, there are long waiting times for accessing endometriosis care through NHS secondary care. This is a source of significant worry and uncertainty for everyone and this time may feel even more challenging for you. Therefore, with support from the Oxford Endometriosis CaRe Centre team, we have put together this information resource to both guide you about some of the current recommendations on medical treatments and to offer some strategies for managing some of the associated symptoms. The recommendations fall under the ‘themes’ below.

Within this guidance, we use the terms ‘woman’ and ‘women’. However, we acknowledge that it is necessary for all assigned female at birth (not only those who identify as women) to access evidence-based care to maintain their gynaecological health and reproductive well-being.