
Career Support

After you graduate, you can use the Careers Service for up to 2 years.

Careers Service Support

Whether you’ve already graduated or have yet to graduate, we’re here to support you. You won’t stop after graduation and neither will our support.

Congratulations on what you’ve achieved! You have a prestigious degree from one of the world’s top universities. During your time at the University of Edinburgh you’ve developed a sound understanding of your subject and so much more.

Some students complete their degree with a clear idea/and or plan for what they want to do next and how to go about it. However, many more are unsure, which is why you can continue to use all of our services for two years after the end date of your programme.

Careers Service Graduating Students Advice

Further Study

Graduate Prospects has additional information on further study.

Graduate Prospects


Access MyCareerHub for appointment booking and to keep you up to date with news, vacancies and events from the Careers Service.


Platform One

Platform One is an online community where staff, students and alumni can connect with each other and offer support and advice.

Platform One