

Details of resit exams.

Exams are an important part of assessing your progress.

  • Semester 1 course exams -  December
  • Semester 2 course exams -  April-May 

Should you fail at your first attempt, in the December or May sitting, you may be allowed further attempts. All final resit exams are in August.  

If you fail a course in your first or second year you will automatically be registered for a resit exam in August. You can also take the resit examination if, for a legitimate reason, you were absent from the first sit of the examination.  

Guidance on Resits

You should not make advanced holiday arrangements for August before you know whether you are required to take any resits.  


Reassessment fees​​​​


  • You should assume that your resit exams will be taken in Edinburgh. 

  • If you have resits in Edinburgh you will have to arrange accommodation if necessary.  

Overseas requests

  • A small number of students who live outside the UK will be given an opportunity to request to take resits in their home country. Conditions apply.

  • The majority of requests to take resits outside the UK are rejected, due to the many constraints on the timetable, particularly when dealing with multiple time zones.  

  • The Overseas Resit Examination Service provides Information on the rules and regulations and additional fees for the overseas resit service.  

Overseas Resit Examination Service

Can I repeat failed courses?

If you have failed a course (after resit) your options will depend on whether it is an optional or core course.  

If you fail more than one course you may have to repeat a year or part of a year which has significant financial implications or you may have to leave the University. 

Progression Guidelines

BTO Student Support Team

Contact details



James Clerk Maxwell Building, Room 2105
The King's Buildings

Post Code


  • Monday - Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm