NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Respiratory Health (RESPIRE)

Supporting Platforms

The supporting platforms of RESPIRE increase the ability of our partners to plan, undertake and implement the findings of research in their countries.

The supporting platforms will focus on

  • how to work with partners, ‘Stakeholder Engagement & Community Engagement and Involvement
  • increasing the number of health professionals and researchers who are trained to undertake high quality research, ‘Education and capacity building
  • maximising the uses that research data can be put to in safe and secure ways, ‘Open Science, Data & Methodologies’, and 
  • enabling access to resources through 'Digital Health and Innovation'.

Platform II: Capacity Building, Education & Training

Leads: Hana Mahmood, Neoventive Solutions & Ruth McQuillan, University of Edinburgh

Platform III: Open Science, Data & Methodologies

Tathagata Bhattacharjee, KEM Hospital Research Centre & Chris Weir, University of Edinburgh

Platform IV: Digital Health and Innovation

Leads: Zakiuddin Ahmed, Riphah International University & Syed Ahmar Shah, University of Edinburgh