Usher Institute


Find out more about staff at the Usher Institute.

Senior Leadership Team

Interim Director Professor Julie Jacko
Dean of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences Professor Sarah Cunningham-Burley
Heads of Centre: Biomedicine, Self & Society Professors Sarah Cunningham-Burley and Martyn Pickersgill
Heads of Centre: Global Health Professors Harish Nair and Igor Rudan
Heads of Centre: Medical Informatics Professor Ewen Harrison and Professor Julie Jacko
Heads of Centre: Population Health Sciences Professors Linda Bauld and David Weller
Interim Director of Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit Professor Steff Lewis
Director of Education Dr Jeni Harden
Director of Postgraduate Research Professor Jackie Price
Director of Innovation Dr Ahmar Shah
Director of Knowledge Exchange and Research Impact Professor Thanasis Tsanas
Director of Research Dr Fiona Dobbie
Senior Research Strategy Manager vacant
Senior Responsible Officer, Data-Driven Innovation Hub

Professor Nick Mills   (Deputy: Professor Ewen Harrison)

Director of Professional Services Vivien Smith
Head of Communications, Marketing and Engagement Susan Buckingham

Find contact details for our core Usher Institute teams (Communications, Human Resources, Finance, Operations, Research Support and Teaching Organisation)

Contact us

Usher Institute staff

All academic, research and professional services staff from across the Usher Institute.

Emeriti, Honorary and Visiting staff

The Usher Institute enjoys close working relationships with many individuals who are not part of our core staff, but whose primary affiliation with The University of Edinburgh is through Usher. These Honorary staff, Visiting scholars and Emeriti Professors all contribute to our success and collegiate working environment.

Affiliate members

Individuals who work closely with the Usher Institute, but whose primary affiliation is elsewhere.

Usher PhD, MRes and MD students

PhD, MRes and MD students on the three postgraduate programmes in Usher - Global Health, Medical Informatics and Population Health Sciences.

Centre staff lists

Interested in our sub-units? View staff lists split by primary Centre/Unit affiliation:

Global Health - staff list

Medical Informatics - staff list

Population Health Sciences - staff list

Biomedicine, Self and Society - staff list managed on separate website (note the staff list includes members of the Biomedicine, Self and Society team from across The University of Edinburgh in addition to Usher Institute staff)

Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit - staff list managed on separate website

We also have staff based in our Teaching Organisation, in teams working within our Health and Social Care Data-Driven Innovation Programme, and our Core Professional Services teams (see our Contact us page)

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The Usher Institute seeks to foster an inclusive, fair, respectful culture and a welcoming environment in which all staff and students can flourish.

Find our more about Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at the Usher Institute

General enquiry?

If you are making a general enquiry to the Usher Institute please find details on our contact us page.

Contact us