Edinburgh Student Vision

A shared institutional vision to define the distinctive qualities and impact of the curriculum for our applicants, students and graduates.

Defining our ambition for Curriculum Transformation

The development of the Edinburgh Student Vision was an important early step in our Curriculum Transformation journey.  Its purpose is to define a shared ambition for the distinctive qualities and impact of the curriculum.  It will inform the design of future courses and programmes, be something that students and staff can identify with, and help shape our approach to teaching and assessment in the long term.

Following a period of exploration and investigation in summer and autumn 2021 we held a symposium at the end of November 2021, bringing together the Programme work stream and group members. The purpose was to begin to identify and draw out the key themes and insights. This resulted in the development of the draft Edinburgh Student Vision, which underwent a period of consultation between April-June 2022.

The resulting Edinburgh Student Vision is built around three high level objectives. This includes a continued focus on the importance of disciplinary depth and expertise at the heart of our degree programmes, alongside support for the development of students as learners ready to thrive in a changing world, who are able to translate what they have learnt and their experience to future success, including employment, on their own terms.

These three objectives are accompanied by a set of key components for the development of a curriculum that will support the achievement of these objectives. This includes a focus on supporting the development of self-directed, curious and confident learners; the inclusion of experiential, cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural learning alongside disciplinary depth, identity and expertise; to have curricula that develop high levels of digital and data literacy, with a clear focus on integrity, that are values-driven, and that build understanding and engagement with global challenges.

The Edinburgh Student Vision will be enabled by the development of a Curriculum Framework and its successful roll out and adoption. A focus for planning and supporting this roll-out will be to enhance the experience of staff and students while directly contributing to institutional strategic priorities and to society more broadly.