Stair climbing is a form of aerobic exercise with potential to burn more calories per minute than jogging. Why use the stairs? Where stair cases are available, stair climbing can easily be incorporated into your daily routine, helping to maintain and improve fitness levels whilst saving you time and money. Research has shown that stair climbing can also improve heart health, thus reducing the risks of cardiovascular disease (Yu et al, 2003, Boreham et al, 2005). Such physical activity at work is one option for contributing to achieving national recommended levels required to stay fit and healthy. And in using the stairs you will also contribute to the University’s aim to save energy, thus reducing your carbon footprint and promoting the health of the environment. Please ensure that you are sufficiently fit before you begin regular stair climbing. If in doubt, speak to your doctor or a gym advisor. Top tip - if you want to work your thigh muscles drop your heels (if you climb stairs on the balls of your feet you tend to work your calf muscles). Stair climbing posters are available to download and print from the Paths for All website. Stair Climbing Posters This article was published on 2024-11-12