About these pages

Information on the aims, content and contributors of these webpages, as well as information on funding for staff health and wellbeing at the University.

Our committment as a University

The health and wellbeing of our staff is always a priority. As a University we are committted to:

  • providing mental health and wellbeing services that support staff at work
  • signposting staff to mental health and wellbeing support relevant to their needs
  • promoting a healthy working environment and working practices that improve the general wellbeing of staff
  • supporting staff with any health related issues that may effect them at work
  • encouraging staff to look out for each other and providing the tools to help you to help others

About the Staff Health and Wellbeing Hub

The University of Edinburgh is committed to developing a working environment and working practices which help maintain and improve staff health and wellbeing. Colleagues across the University are working hard to constantly improve the support and services we can offer, taking on board new projects and suggestions from our community.

These webpages have been developed to bring together, in one place, the variety of information on health and wellbeing support and services available to staff including:

  • Self-help resources and guidance
  • Internal and external services
  • Accessing help in a crisis


The Health and Wellbeing webpages are developed and maintained primarily by Communications and Marketing, Health and Safety and Human Resources, with contributions from departments across the University including the Chaplaincy, Finance and Sports and Exercise.