Student-Led, Individually-Created Courses

Do a Summer SLICC

Information about summer SLICCs, including advice on making plans for this summer, the Summer SLICCs eligibility criteria and FAQs.

Student-Led, Individually-Created Courses (SLICCs) offer a reflective framework for students to gain academic credits for co- and extra-curricular experiences and to develop their own set of personal and professional skills and attributes through this experience.

Currently targeted at first and second year undergraduate students, summer SLICCs offer the opportunity to earn 20 academic credits for involvement in a professional development, internship, work experience or research project experience of their choosing during their summer vacation.  

Need help making plans this summer

There are plenty of ways to use your summer. If you don't have anything planned yet, here are some ideas to get you started.

Get your summer recognised

An overview of two ways to get recognition for your summer activities.


Information about the eligibility criteria for summer SLICCs

Academic credit gained through a SLICC

Information about signing up for a SLICC alongside other courses, when grades are released, Tier 4 restrictions, and how academic credit gained through a SLICC can be used.


Some of the typical questions students ask when deciding if a SLICC is right for them.

Apply for summer SLICCs

Information about the SLICCs application process and other ways to get your summer activities recognised.

Want to find out more?

Contact us