Ruminant functional genomics

Grants and awards

Current research funding and awards

Research funding received as PI (total amount)

2019-2022 BBSRC New Investigator Award ‘Empowering sheep breeding by identifying variants associated with growth traits using allele-specific expression’. £525,175

2020-2021 Roslin Institute ISP Pump-Priming Award Functional Validation of Regulatory Regions in Pig Muscle. £11,856

2018-2019 Roslin Institute ISP Priming Award ‘Profiling open chromatin in developing pig muscle’. £14,523

2017-2018 GCRF Data and Resources ‘Developing genotyping tools for Cameroon sheep as a model for understanding the genetic basis of trypanotolerance in small ruminants in West Africa.’ £83,750

2017-2018 GCRF Impact Accelerator Award ‘Genotyping and Phenotyping the sheep flock at Kapiti Ranch Nairobi for GI Helminth Resistance’. £34,072

Research funding received as University of Edinburgh PI on a multi-centred project (total amount)

2021-2024 USDA NIFA Tools and Resources Grant ‘The Sheep PanGenome Project’. £32,805 of £363,972

2019-2023 H2020 SFS-30 FAANG Agri-Aqua Labs ‘BovReg - Identification of functionally active genomic features relevant to phenotypic diversity and plasticity in cattle’. £328,234 of £5.2 million

2017-2020 USDA NIFA Tools and Resources Grant Ovine FAANG Project. £45,750 of £385,132

Research funding received as Co-PI (total amount)

2019-2022 BBSRC BBR ‘Ensembl-adding value to animal genomes through high quality annotation’. £453,680

2018-2021 The Dogs Trust ‘A Reference Genome to Empower Canine Health Research’. £199,936

2016-2017 GCRF Data and Resources ‘Population Sequencing of African Goats’ £219,394

2016-2017 GCRF Data and Resources ‘Population Sequencing of Tropically Adapted Sheep’ £112,250