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Name Role Business unit(s)
Yi Tian
Holly Tibble Chancellor's Fellow
Holly Tibble PhD Student
Matthew Tibble Mirrors for Princes and Theories of Counsel as Responses to the English Reformation
Dr Alison Tidswell Postdoctoral Research Associate
Yu-Hung Tien
Rebecca Tierney-Hynes Senior Lecturer
Amy Tilbrook Dataloch Information Governance Facilitator
Paul R.H.J. Timmers
Dr Wendy Timmons Senior Lecturer in Dance Science & Education
Catherine Tinney Teaching Fellow (Gaelic)
Professor Kay Tisdall Chair of Childhood Policy
Guy Tittley AV Project Manager
Krishan Kumar Tiwari Radio Communications, Signal Processing, Algorithms, 6G
Hilda Tizeba
Professor Adam Tjolle Chair of General Veterinary Practice
Anita Tobar Henríquez Postdoctoral Research Associate
Anita Tobar Henríquez PhD Psychology
Katherina Tober GP Clinical Teacher
Dr John Tobin