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Name Role Business unit(s)
József Wells PhD Linguistics & English Language
Katie Wells National Research Coordinator
Jorinde Wels
Miles Welstead PhD Psychology
Diorbhail Wentworth
Ryan Wereski Clinical Research Fellow
Cameron Werner PhD Student
Jasmin Wertz Lecturer
Anna West Student Adviser
Professor Charles West Professor of Medieval History
Gary West Personal Chair in Scottish Ethnology, Director of the European Ethnological Research Centre
Joe West Research Communications Coordinator
Mariana West Global Alumni Networks Manager (on maternity leave)
Simon West
Richard West-Soley PhD Linguistics & English Language
Sian Westcombe e-Learning Developer
Dr Matthew Weston Lecturer in Strength & Conditioning
Katherine Westwood (PhD student) Project title: Participation in inclusive extracurricular activities constructed by the perspectives of children with disabilities
Lorna Westwood PhD Student
Giovanna Weykopf