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Name Role Business unit(s)
Hannah Walker Senior Training Scholar in Small Animal Internal Medicine
Ross Walker (PhD student)
Sophie Walker
James Walkinshaw Strategic Planner and Information Analyst
Jenny Wall Veterinary Nurse - Emergency and Critical Care (ECC)
Dr. Edward Wallace Sir Henry Dale Fellow
Jemma Wallace Web Content Officer
Julie Wallace PA to Gordon McLean/CRM Admin Assistant
Liz Wallace Corporate Communications Manager
Lyndsey Wallace Teaching Fellow
Prof Robin Wallace Dean, International
Professor Stephen Wallace Professor of Chemical Biotechnology
Megan Waller Student and Academic Services Manager
Dr Craig Walling Lecturer in Evolutionary Biology
David Walls
Lauryn Walmsley-Rowe UG Student
Luna Walravens
Daniel Walsh
Patrick Walsh
Timothy Walsh Professor of Critical Care | Director of Innovation for NHS Lothian, and Health Innovation South East Scotland