Patrick Walsh


1998-2003    MSci with Honours Zoology, Division of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, University of Glasgow

2003-2004    Research Assistant, Division of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, University of Glasgow

2004-2007    PhD, Division of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, University of Glasgow

2007-2010    Research Fellow, School of Psychology, University of St Andrews

2010-2012    Teaching Fellow, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh

2012-2016    Lecturer, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh

2016-Present Senior Lecturer, Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh

2017-Present Director of Teaching, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh

Undergraduate teaching

Evolution in Action (second year) - Course organiser

Origin and Diversity of Life (first year)

Biology, Ecology and Environment (first year) - Course Organiser

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Current PhD students supervised

Cammy Beyts                                     2017 - Present

Ashley Buchan (Co-supervisor)  2014 - Present

Past PhD students supervised

Thomas Godfrey (Co-supervisor)  2011 - 2017

Research summary

A focus of my work is attempting to understand why animals do what they do, particularly in relation to animals' responses to ecological conditions. I am currently working in the field of animal behavioural syndromes, so called "animal personalities" using  amphibians as a model systems.  I have previous investigated, and remain interested, in understanding which factors play a role in the timing and duration of metamorphosis, including potential responses of British amphibians to a changing climate.