Academic Services

If things go wrong

University policies, regulations and guidance on student appeals, student conduct, special circumstances, support for study, authorised interruption of studies and withdrawal and exclusion from study.

Authorised Interruption of Studies



Student Appeals

Information on the University's Student Appeal process is available on our Student pages.

Student Appeals

Student Conduct

Our Student pages have more information and advice on conduct investigation.

University's Student Conduct investigation process

There is also specific information about academic misconduct, including plagiarism.

Academic Misconduct 

Special Circumstances

For undergraduate and postgraduate taught students, the policy defines special circumstances, sets out how to submit a request and how requests are considered.

Information for postgraduate research students is available in the Code of Practice for Supervisors and Research Students, downloadable on our Research students page.

Research students

Student Death Protocol

University protocol in the case of a sudden student death.

Student Death Protocol | The University of Edinburgh

Support for Study

Supporting students when health issues impact on their study.

Support for Study Policy

Withdrawal and Exclusion from Study

Procedure when students voluntarily leave, or are required to leave the University permanently.